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in another half month’s time
再过半个月  detail>>
that time of the month
例假  detail>>
another place another time
何时何地  detail>>
another time, another love
再生恋  detail>>
another time
下一次  detail>>
first half of a month
上半月  detail>>
first half of the month
前半个月  detail>>
the half month is bright to climb
半个月亮爬起来  detail>>
the latter half of the month
下半月  detail>>
next time = another time
下次  detail>>
from another time time time
来自另一时间的意象  detail>>
half the time
一半时间, 经常  detail>>
half time
半场 半工半薪 半期 中场休息  detail>>
1.半工半薪。 2.(比赛中的)半场休息时间 (be on half-time 做半工支半薪。 What is the score at half-time 上半场比分多少?)。  detail>>
time and a half
相当于原工资一倍半的加班费。   detail>>
百分之一百五十  detail>>
at one time and another
在不同场合, 在不同的时期  detail>>
at one time or another
曾经  detail>>